Dynamite Fishing Lincolnshire

At a pond in Lincolnshire that I frequent quite regularly for convenience due to its location I decided to mix my method up and truly find out the results of combining a brand loose feeder with a hook feed.
My usual fishing tactics and tackle and bait comprise of one 10ft carp rod, with a reel NGT Reel with a ledger and hair rig with a halibut based bait attached, fished towards a feature area such as Lillie pads, the oxygenator or under one of the overhanging trees on the adjacent bank, then I have a simple waggler rod and set up literally 12 inches off the jetty where depths, particularly during this drought, are only reaching 12 inches in depth, I then use the lake feed that is a 3mm halibut pellet from bulk to attract the carp, but typically attracting a mix of tench, roach, bream and Rudd.
The lake has patterns of feeding activity especially with the carp although telling would be spoiling. I can usually net a couple each visit.
The weekend weather was perfect – 23c slight overcast with a gentle breeze my rigs, method and chosen pegs were no different to any other however my bait was, I went for dynamites Marine halibut 6mm as my loose feed and a tub of Durable Hookable pellets 6mm alongside a 12 mm hookable pellets that I used on a hair rig. Using some PVA bags, I loaded a bag of pellets and my hair and cast to my chosen spot at the side of a well-established set of Lilly pads towards the shallower end of the lake where the average mid
I then chose my waggler spot directly in front of my pegs jetty and loosely scatter fed some pellets tight against the iris. Before I could get comfortable my alarm began to sound as a fish was considering my bait and then out of nowhere boom my rod was heading off my rest and into the lake. First fish a lovely little mirror carp at just over 5lb, not a monster but a good fight and a nice start to the day.
As i re-bagged and baited, my margin swim began to show signs of something moving in to feed and again before my eyes decided to work out what happened with my float my road flew, there was no doubt that this was a bit bigger and definitely a carp and my Second fish of the day and before 11am and after a cheeky lay in and only arriving at 10 I was chuffed and certainly noticed a confidence in takes compared to my normal baits and with an average catch of maybe 2-3 and a guaranteed one that got away I was feeling pretty confident and confident that I’d found the perfect bait match.
A perfect Lincolnshire common glowing in the sun at 6.5lb

The day continued and as quiet hour approached I continued the occasional scatter of pellet but this time the fish didn’t seem to be stopping, with the Lillie pads being battered all over the place for the loose pellets and the odd cloud of silt rising to the surface my swims were still looking good. As I tried to build their confidence and the day was reaching peak temps I needed to mix it up slightly and teamed a small pop up to my 12mm hookable just for that extra colour pop and it didn’t take long before a cracking little carp was in the net.

I was 3 for 3 at roughly 2:30pm and my swims began to quieten with activity, time for a rest, open a beer have some food and relax and wait for what I call happy hour, I halted scatter and bag feeding and just replenished the hookables as after maybe an hour they begin to soften and loose stability to which the fry and small roach etc could strip them down to 2mm in no time causing me considerable torment on the alarm and float.
My next fish was from the bottom, on the hair but sadly it ran straight through the Lillie stems and out of the other side, no chance. That was the one that got away! for argument’s sake let’s just call it an even 30lb and leave it there.
By 4:30 the breeze picked up again and the carp began to show and it was only a matter of time so a few small handfuls of pellets into my swims I was ready and waiting, one strong take and I was in! and what seemed like the smallest greediest carp broke the surface, a fish is a fish.
That one last cast hour was fast approaching and another was in the net from straight in front of me. So all in all 5 landed and 2 lost throughout the day and I certainly gained confidence in a dynamite combo of baits, I will certainly be using these baits again.